
NASA California Space Grant Consortium 2019

This project was done over the course of 2 months. I worked on a team that designed and built an Arduino based project. This Program concluded with a presentation at NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center. I was the programmer throughout this project and programmed the rover in C as well as the Arduino using C++. Our rover measured light intensity, soil moisture, & temperature. Output was sent via bluetooth to an application on our Phone.
GreenBot is a Rover designed for agriculture using a Vex + Arduino system that transmits data from multiple sensors to a phone application using Blynk IoT.

Arduino: Soil Moisture Capacitive Sensor, DSD BLE SH-08 Bluetooth Module, DHT11 Humidity + Temperature Sensor, Photoresistor

Vex: 5 Servo Motors, 3 Shaft Encoders, Blynk displays data from Arduino system and outputs it onto Blynk app through bluetooth All of the code for this project was done using C/C++

Team Members: Christian Perez, Mohamed Ismail, Sarah Catania, Shwetank Bhat
